Small update... This was originally a character for a Tarot deck I've recently worked on (more of that some other day), although at the time it wasn't working for me. I came back to it the other day and tweaked it into something at least presentable. Er... Isabelle Kingdom Brunel, as a sort of portrait... ahem...

Wow! Awesome!
It's a wonderful portrait but it seems like you haven't quite captured the physics of the Top Hat.
Ooh er... maybe I haven't! I was trying to emulate the same top hat from the original Brunel at Milwall portrait, here:
Firstly- Brilliant! I love the pose, and the texture of the cloth of that wonderful suit.
Secondly- My daughter, when a baby, looked at the iconic Brunel photo and said.'Oh! He's a really tiny man!'
Took me a moment, too...
Rhissanna - Thanks... yes, took me a moment too! Hehe!
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