Sorry the blog has been so quiet. I'm still finishing off a big deadline. So to keep it alive here's a reworked Ice Princess that I never really finished, an
Austin Osman Spare pastiche that was really just a bit of a play and an image I did a bit ago but I don't think I posted here. And The Absinthe Fairy lineart which I think is only on my website. Thank you for continuing to pop in. :o)

ace! thants for posting!
Super. Love that second last nude one.
Hey Aly !
You're doing great !I love it all !
[In French: J'aime tout ! That's probably more accurate that way. :P ]
Good luck with the big deadline.
From France with love.
ooh Im glad to see you finished her, she looks great and the wolf is wonderful. Again, another awesome painting.
by the way, my new blog address is :
I noticed it wasnt working from your "like" list...thats if you still like my stuff :D
as always - a pleasure to see your work Aly!
The Ice princess is Sweet.Really nice Siberian,Ruissian feel to it.
Love the Absinthe Fairy too.
All really nice.
All the best,
The final version of the Absinthe Fairy is sitting in my folder of awesome art I collected over the years.
There is rarely a name attached to some of the work in that folder but I'm glad I got to see the rest of your work. Amazing stuff.
I love your work, just dropping in to wish you a happy birthday!
Beautiful work as always Aly
So incredibly gorgeous. The Faery is breathtaking!
Thanks for all the lovely comments guys! I apologise for the lack of replies, but I'd screwed up the comments option on the blog, and had no notifications of them being left! Durrr...
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