Well I've not been here for a while. Lots of things going on in my life which are making things very bizarre right now, but I decided to do something just for myself today, so here's a real quickie, Silhouette from WATCHMEN; the recent movie version of Alan Moores brilliant graphic novel. She made a real impression (!) during her brief appearance in the film. I thought I'd do a version of her with a 'nod' to Mr Elvgren.
Thank you to all who've popped in and commented most kindly.

In the movie Silhouette and her lover get a bit of a rough ride to say the least. An interesting perspective on this is here, and in the links within:
BRIGHT LIGHTS AFTER DARKHowever she does get the best scene in the opening credits, and perhaps even the movie (gif by

Stunning as usual Aly!
I haven't been on ca lately and I have missed seeing your postings here. Thanks for posting this and congrats on getting into Spectrum! Your art is always fantastic!
man, your "quickie" would have taken me weeks and still been nowhere near as good! nice to see some new stuff from you.
Good stuff Aly!
Love your work man!
PS. That animated gif is oddly hypnotic...
man, that is a fantastic scene. I love the way the girl goes limp when silohuette grabs her; something that would only come across in a moving image unfortunately...stupid art :(
thanks for posting this gif.
yeah, great to find your blog!
Came here from CA- thank you for posting the link to the Watchmen article, and the gif :-)
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