Saturday 25 June 2011

Warrior Alice

The current Character of the Week is 'Warrior Alice' (as in Alice in Wonderland), a la Tim Burton. Poor Alice, never has a literary character been subject to so much abuse, on all sorts of levels. One day someone might... just, you know... illustrate the books..! which have enough originality and imagination to inspire anyone surely, without repeatedly 're-inventing' the poor girl! Well, this is my adulteration! Following the brief, of course... Done really quickly as I should have been doing something else... shamelessly inspired by Mr Frazetta. Texture O/L on the rocks, other wise just my usual brushes in Photoshop CS2.


Sergio Lopez said...

hey where are you doing these Character of the Week challenges now? I want to get back into doing this sort of thing to build up a portfolio...

Gary Newman said...

Super. I've always loved that character. Love the "eat me" sweet :)

besterel said...

I totally loved her Aly Fell style:)

Aly Fell said...

Sergio - You won't like it... CA! I hardly pop in there any more but out of a strange loyalty to ChoW I check it out occasionally. This week was the Alice one, and Alice has always been one of my favourite characters, so I had to have a doodle.

Gary - Thank you sir!

Beste - You mean the sultry, ironic world weary pout?! ;o)

Sergio Lopez said...

Haha. I wouldn't even know where to find the activities these days... what section is it in now?

Aly Fell said...

It's at the top of the forums page, almost, under Community Activities. It's been moved around a bit. :o)

Sergio Lopez said...

Cool thanks. I might jump into some of the CGHUB ones...

Wiggz said...

Hey Aly,
Really Nice,
I'm a big Alice Fa so this hits the spot ...or stripes...

All the best,
