Friday 5 October 2012

Leeds Steampunk Market

More 'event' goodness, although I'm not sure anyone reads blogs any more, as the migration to Facebook now includes one seventh of the world's population apparently! But none the less I shall be in Leeds tomorrow at the STEAMPUNK MARKET. Whilst not strictly speaking a Steampunker, (a penchant for drainpipe trousers, winklepickers and studded belts negates a full time commitment to all things beige and brown) I've had a bit of a thing for goggles before they became the 'must have' item for all budding post apocalyptic or colonial adventurers. And jodhpurs look damn fine on a woman I must say... but I digress...

As I say, tomorrow I shall have a stall, and will sell printy type things, booky type things and indulge in general chit chat and tea drinking.

Cardigan Road,
West Yorkshire

(an old red-brick church, opposite Milfords woodyard), between Harold Grove and Royal Park Road.

Saturday 6th October 2012, 12 - 7pm (although I'll be buggering off at 5.30).


Peter Underhill said...

I still read blogs and if I were near Leeds, I'd jolly well call in. However, being in the centre of the flat universe in Leicestershire, geography conspired against me.

Aly Fell said...

Good to know some still do Peter. I need to escape the lure of FB as well...